Sunday, December 12, 2010

Video "torture," Chrome series laptop running OS

Search giant Google has launched a new video screen to see the abuse, torture and destruction of 25 Cr-48, the first laptop to use Chrome OS operating system to promote the ability data protection technology through the clouds of Google.

Google recently unveiled Cr-48 laptop OS using Chrome for a few days ago. This device will not be widely offered on the market that is only used in a project of large-scale testing of the operating system Chrome

Video that Google just released a new ad for the laptop to Cr-48 and Chrome the operating system but it may cause some people are eager to own these devices uncomfortable.

In the video ad, 25 Cr-48 aircraft had been tortured and destroyed in many ways. The purpose of Google as "hands down" the product they produce is to highlight the importance of cloud storage. That is the advantage of operating system with the ability Chrome user data stored on the server-based virtual cloud of Google.

Benefits of cloud storage is that users can easily access your documents from different laptop and will not have to worry about losing data. Even when the laptop is lost due to theft or accident, make sure the user can easily retrieve the data intact without encountering difficulties. 

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